October 10, 2024,  Phnom Penh

The Council for the Development of Cambodia (CDC) held the 2nd meeting of Automotive and Electronic Sector Development Council, presided by DPM H.E Sun Chanthol, first vice-chair of the CDC and co-chair of the council, together with the co-chairs from both sectors and other members of the council. This is the second meeting after the government approved the Automotive and Electronic Roadmap in late 2022.


The meeting aimed to strengthen the collaboration and joint-effort between the Royal Government of Cambodia and private sectors in developing these two important sectors which the government has been embarked as high-potential priority sectors for boosting economic growth, especially in the post COVID-19 pandemic era. The roadmap has vision to transform Cambodia into a production hub of automotive and electronic components for export to regional and global markets, starting with the production of simple components and move up to building a skilled-based and high value-added ecosystem for automotive and electronic component suppliers in the long term.


This is the first gathering of all members in the council after the official approval from the government to create this council and three key topics were on the agenda for the discussion during the meeting:

  1. Updating the progress report over the past years; identify key priorities and measures to implement and achieve the objective of the roadmap.
  2. Updating of the current situation and discussion on challenges of private sectors in implementing the roadmap; and the contribution from private sectors to both sectors.
  3. Setting up the direction and ways forward for the implementation and achieve the target of both sectors in the roadmap.

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