June 26, 2024,  Phnom Penh

The Ministry of Environment held a meeting with fuel and automobile distributors to review the current implementation of Euro 4 standard both gasoline and diesel; and the emission standard in the internal combustion engines (ICE), both new and used vehicles, and the preparation to enforce Euro 5 standard following the schedule set in the Circular 01 of the Royal Government of Cambodia on “The Measures to Control and Reduce Air Pollution in the Kingdom”.


Euro 4 standard for fuel was scheduled to enforce from 1st January 2021 while the emission standard of the internal combustion engines (ICE) to be implemented one year later, starting from 1st January 2022. Up to date, most fuel distributors are following the schedule by distributing Euro 4 fuel for sales in Cambodia but requested to delay the Euro 5 standard to another year which will be started from 1st January 2025 instead of original schedule in 2024 due to most of the companies were not ready.


For emission standard, most of authorized vehicle distributors and the members of the CAIF were distributing the vehicles with minimum Euro 4 emission; and expressed their readiness to implement Euro 5 standard in 2027. Furthermore, they were complying to the technical standard (UN-R) imposed by the Institute of Standard of Cambodia (ISC) under the Ministry of Industry, Science, Technology and Innovation (MISTI) since 2020 where Cambodia is a signatory country to the ASEAN MRA to harmonize standards within the ASEAN Member States (AMS).


The Euro 5 emission limits for gasoline engines are as follows:

  • Carbon monoxide (CO): 1.0 g/km
  • Hydrocarbons (HC): 0.1 g/km
  • Nitrogen oxide (NOx): 0.06 g/km
  • Particulate matter (PM): 0.005 g/km.


The Euro 5 emission limits for diesel engines are as follows:

  • Carbon monoxide (CO): 0.5 g/km
  • Hydrocarbons (HC) + Nitrogen oxide (NOx): 0.23 g/km
  • Nitrogen oxide (NOx): 0.18 g/km
  • Particulate matter (PM): 0.005 g/km.

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