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CAIF Attend Private Sector Working Group D Meeting at Cambodia Chamber of Commerce

CAIF Board Member and CEO of HGB Group, Mr. Roberto Da Silva...

Workshop on Pathways to Scaling Urban Electric Mobility in Cambodia

The workshop on Electric Mobility in Cambodia was held on March 31st, 2023 at Raffles...

ASEAN Automotive Federation Hold Annual Council Meeting In Bangkok

CAIF Delegates Attended AAF’s Annual Council Meeting in Bangkok...

GDCE Host a Workshop to Promote the Government’s New Sub-Decree

General Department of Customs and Excise hosted a workshop on June 15th, 2023...

Inaugural Meeting of the Automotive & Electronic Sector Development Advisory Council

CAIF Vice-Chairman and CEO of RMA Cambodia, Mr. NGORN Saing, has been selected to serve...

New CAIF Board Elected

During its annual general meeting, CAIF members elected a new board of directors to serve...

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